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Neopet Cheats!

On this page, I have neopet information.  Keep in mind that for many of the links you need to be logged in. Click on any neopet picture to get your own!
Jaihokyn invites you to the wonderful world of neopets

Free Daily stuff!

Snowager Times (EST)
  • 9:00am
  • 5:00pm
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Neopoint Making Tips
  • Make sure you open a bank account at the National Neopian Bank.  This way you have a safe place to put your neopoints.  You also can collect interest everyday!
  • Be sure to play the game of the day!!!!  You win 2x the np!!!
  • Another great game is the Faerie Crossword.  You can get 600np daily by answering these!  If your lucky, you might even increase your neopets inteligence!  Click Here for the daily answers.
  • Yet another great np-making game ... Cliffhanger!  It costs 15np to play, and you can only win 1500np daily, but it's worth it!  click HERE for the answer list!  Playing can increase your neopets inteligence.
  • Pyramids is a good np-making game if you have the time.  You are allowed to earn up to 5000np daily.  It costs 50np to play.
  • Having trouble feeding your neopet?  Book them in the Neolodge!  No matter how little you spend (20 nights in the cockroach towers only costs 100np) your neopet will stay bloated (this is good).  It is a lot faster, and less expensive.
  • Do you have a shop?  If you don't ... Get one!  You can now sell all of the food you get, as well as any random items you find or win!  Check the Shop Wizard to find out what your items can be sold for. 
  • You can also Auction off items you dont want.  This works really well for the more rare items.
  • My last tip for you ... play lots of games!  Any that your good at can make you neopoints.
  • The Wheel of Monotony can win you some rare items if you are willing to wait about 2 hours for them.  It costs 100np and if you open it in a seperate window, you can continue playing on neopets, or on the internet while it spins for over 2 hours.  It really is worth it.